Thursday, August 31, 2006

211 pizzette


If yer going...2sam framcisco, be sure 2 wear some pizza in your hair. (Or maybe some calzone.)

No tour or shows or anything...2busy gyming and swimming. bye ya'll. love ya. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

2nite's the nite i see your fuzzywuzzy


;-) Posted by Picasa

hi u all


What's goin' on? Everybody aight? Brooklyn, how u doin'? Loony Lad in Scotland, what up, dog? Hoosier Mama, where u at? Sqwerty, what dee hell u doin, boy? JP in TX, how ya'll livin?

Remember, God is an imaginary friend for grown-ups. (heard that in a movie the other nite).

No tour or shows or anything...2busy listening to a pkg received from Joe Viglione. x0x0 Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28, 2006

love is so much better in the A.M.


...'specially when you're groovin' with your F.M Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 26, 2006

i like this picture


Click/enlarge and look at it that way, please. U r looking down the Pacific Coast toward Daly City/Pacifica. Sweeet.

No tour or shows or anything...2bzzzy eating honey straight out of the jar. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006

walkin' and talkin'


Location: Beautiful Golden Gate Park in Sam Framcisco.
Cast: The Sashas.
Catering: Star Sensi.

Even tho i've just had my coffee, i cant seem2think of anything2say2u. Doesnt mean i dont love ya. x0x0 Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

lick u everywhere it's pink


Whole kittenkaboodle in the kitchen sink. And sow my last sweet potato.

No tour or shows or anything...2busy staring at this screen. x0x0 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

uh baby let me be...your little teddy bear


Put a chain around my neck, and lead me anywhere.

I used to love Elvis so much. After seeing his performance on the ed sullivan show, i went into the bathroom and cut off my long long ponytail, and it fell, and i looked down, and there it was,lying on the bathroom floor. Then applied some of my brother's BUTCHWAX to my brand new 'do. Came out of the bathroom like TA DA!!!! Thought the family would be as thrilled as i was, i mean, i was BESIDE myself with excitement and pride. People, i KNEW i looked good. Instead, they all sat there with shock on their faces, then my mother burst into tears over the long-gone ponytail, and i guess the disappearance of her little girl. I was a whole new person! I was rockin'!!!

In addition to the new hairdo, i had changed from my girl clothes into my brother's jeans and his pink and black plaid flannel shirt. People, like i said, i looked good. Or, as we say around here "T.E."(totally excellent).

'Bye Elvis. Thanks4everything. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sunday, August 13, 2006



I guess maybe everyone's seen this picture by now but I hadnt. Whew.

After shows, Lux and Ivy enjoy sitting quietly in their hotel room while eating organic brown rice and assorted healthy snax. I was with Howard Thompson in their post-show hotel room somewhere, cant remember where... Howard took a used Q-tip off the edge of the bathroom sink, wrapped it carefully in toilet paper, and put it in his jeans' pocket. Now THAT'S a tru fan. :-)

About the Q-tip: it's not what u think. It apparently had been used to apply eye-make-up.

So, no tour or shows or anything. 2afraid of looking like lux in my pix. ha ha. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 11, 2006

stop and smell the pink ladies


Did u ever sniff these lilies? They smell like bajooka joe bubblegum. These are growing wild in the sand, above ocean beach in sam fram.

No tour or shows or anything...2busy going to the farmers' market in sausalito. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

stoppin' and smellin'


Last days of summer,'s BFF Rich in some early sunset light.

No tour or shows or anything...2 busy eating corn flakes with Go-Lean, peaches, pecans, walnuts, and rice milk. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

caifornia here u come


Special shout-out 2 Ratgirl at HUMAN4ANIMAL!! The Golden Gates r open, ready2receive U!

No tour or shows or anything...2busy applying white manicure pencil 2the underside of my fingernails. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 07, 2006

sunday in the park with krishna


Sorry i havent been blogging...technical diffies. I have written brilliant essays, really long ones...then where do they go? Dunno. I push the PUBLISH button, and it all vanishes, like Phil says in the film GLORIA, "just close your eyes then black."

No tour or shows or anything...still 2bizzizzy listening to my advance copy of DEAN AND BRITTA #2. People, there will never be a better record/cd...dont even try. Just give it uppa, and turn it aloose. x0x0 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

is it me?


Or did it feel like fall yesterday and 2day? Come little leaves said the wind one day, come in to the meadow with me and play. That's a line from a poem i memorized in grade school.

Once again, no tour or shows or anything...2busy sitting in the sunroom, drinking coconut juice, watching the sun set. The hills turn pink, and, everything... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 01, 2006